
Karwendel Tour to Birkkarspitze (III)

[2009-06-27 ←]

2009-06-28: Karwendelhaus – Birkkarhüttl (2635m) – Birkkarspitze (2749m) – Karwendelhaus – Kleiner Ahornboden – Herzoglicher Alpenhof [– Hinterriß – Lenggries – Nürnberg]

img_7411 Karwendelhaus Vogelkarspitze Finally stopped raining around 6:00–and Mike and me left the hut half an hour later. With one rucksack only we wanted to ascend the Birkkarspitze and, maybe, continue with the Brendelsteig traversing the Ödkarspitzen. Before reaching the Schlauchkar we saw several black alpine salamanders and the chamois herd I already encountered yesterday. We passed the snowfield in the lower Schlauchkar and then ascended aside the snowfield on a stony path, rather exhausting.

Over scattered rocks and through flowing melt water. Steep snowfield where Mike had to work hard to build treads for us.

img_7415.jpg At around 10:00 at the Birkkarhüttl, a biwakschachtel (emergency hut) located in the Schlauchkar Sattel (2635m), good 100m below the summit of the Birkkarspitze. This hüttl offers space for 4 persons spending a night. We ate müsli bars, drank water, and took photos. We gave up on the idea doing the Brendelsteig, because it probably would have taken too long, if we'd wanted to catch the bergsteiger bus in the Rißbach valley at 18:00.

Climbing up to the summit (20 min), snow rests from last week and this night(?) on the path. The path is often secured with wire ropes, but some of them are partially damaged.


img_7428.jpg img_7430.jpg For some moments it was possible to see the Östliche Ödkarspitze and the ridge to it from the Schlauchkar Sattel. The Ödkarspitzen are nearly as high as the Birkkarspitze. The wooden cross on the summit is also used as a war memorial. Descending was easier, because the snow was softer and mist and hanging clouds were gone. We enjoyed sliding down the snowfields on our hiking shoes!

Lunch at Karwendelhaus: Schnitzel (Mieko), Gemüseeintopf (Bergsteigeressen, Mike), Spaghetti mit Tomatensoße (me).


img_7461.jpgFirst on MTB route passing the Hochalmsattel. Footpath through areas with many flowers such as Schwarzviolette Akelei (Aquilegia atrata) and easily over snow relicts. Kleiner Ahornboden, nice location with drinking water, inviting benches and the Herrmann-v.-Barth memorial. Hermann von Barth died 1876 at the age of 31. Paths alongside the MTB route in the Johannestal.

img_7463.jpgTrack way partialle damaged. An unknown snake that Mieko and Mike discovered on the track; maybe, it was after the kaulquappen in the puddles. Impressive Klamm. Johannestal entrance with the bus stop.

On the road heading towards the Gasthof Herzoglicher Alpenhof for a bear, but very disappointing–it was closed. We once again ate the good things we found in our rucksack; there would be enough time at Munich main station to buy soemthing.


Karwendel Tour to Birkkarspitze (II)

[2009-06-26 ←]

img_7346.jpg 2009-06-27: Falkenhütte (1848m) – Ladizalpe (1573m) – Karwendelhaus (1765m) – Hochalmkreuz (2190m) – Karwendelhaus

A rainy day, but otherwise pretty calm and still warm–almost no wind. I started around 9:00 with rainwear, but quickly opened all zips... First I went down the MTB route right below the impressive Lalidererwand, passing a small quarry built in former times out of a "kar" and now used for repairing the track way.

img_7348.jpg img_7350.jpg img_7352 Alpine Salamander img_7356.jpg Short before the Ladizalpe I met Manfredi Salemmi who yesterday arrived at the Falken hut from Schwaz and is walking the Via Alpina from Trieste to Monaco all along this summer: http://via-alpina-2009.blogspot.com/2009/06/falkenhutte-27-giugno.html. Together with Manfred I continued to Karwendelhaus: We left the MTB route (Adlerweg) and took a nice path where Manfread found an Alpine Salamander, then we saw a waterfall to the left and passed a snowfield with a very small crevasse (gletscherspalte). Then, after a rather steep ascent we joined the regular MTB route again and passed the Hochalmsattel (1803m). At approx. 12:00 we arrived at Karwendelhaus (1765m), where Manfred payed me a Kaiserschmarren and Haferl coffee–what I discovered later... Tante grazie, Manfred! Vorrei incontrarti il più presto possibile :-)


Unfortunately, more rain again, but Manfred had to leave because he wanted to reach Scharnitz later the day. I stayed at the hut, waiting for Mieko and Mike to arrive.

img_7369.jpg At 15:30: Hochalmkreuz (2190m). Shortly after leaving the hut you must climb through snow fences, secured with wire ropes. The rock were still wet; thus you have had to pay attention. I saw a herd of chamois, approx. 30, some of them very young; loud talking sporty hikers chased them away... The wächter chamois made an awful noise.

On the top watching how clouds getting formed all over the nearby mountains.

Back in the hut at 19:00 when Mieko and Mike just arrived from Scharnitz, which was an exhausting ascent of about 20km.

[→ 2009-06-28]


Karwendel Tour to Birkkarspitze (I)

Karwendel Tour to Birkkarspitze (2749m), partly together with Mieko and Mike.

[Alle bilder bei flickr].

[GPS-tracks: OpenStreetMap mit OpenLayers]

2009-06-26: [Nürnberg – Lenggries –] Hinterriß (928m) – Ladizalpe (1526m) – Falkenhütte (1848m)

Took the 7 o'clock ICE to Munich, still a short train. Minimally delayed, rather crowed from Ingolstadt. Ingolstadt is the only halt until Munich, where I arrived at 8:10. I got me a tea at Yormas' and continued with the BOB (Bayrische Oberlandbahn) to Lenggries. We had to move from the first part of the train to the middle part because of waste gas entering the carriages; but in the middle, it also smelled suspiciously...


The bus to the "Eng" (the so-called Karwendel-Bergsteiger bus) was already waiting, and together with 3 other hikers we left Lenggries around 10:00 (€ 6.90, if you'd buy a round-trip ticket, you could save money) and reached the sleeping Hinterriß (928m) half an hour later. The other 3 wanted to leave later from where they could reach the Falken hut faster (maybe, through Laliderertal); they intedned to climb the Steinfalk (2347m) today. The Gasthof zur Post at Hinterriß looked inviting, balconies still without geranium (cranesbill, crane's bill). Weather was still fine, cloudy, but no rain and not even wind; I enjoyed butterflies and flowers such as Knabenkraut (which one?).

img_7287.jpg img_7282.jpg img_7279.jpg

img_7292.jpg img_7293.jpg img_7298.jpg First on a track (forststraße, route 231) over the Rißbach stream into the Johannestal. More or less by accident I left the official route 231 and took an old and sometimes interrupted or otherwise disturbed path to the decayed Johnnestalalm (1065m). From this upper path, I could see several ways in the Johannestal. Then on the 231 again, some mountain bikers, rain.

Short before the Schwarze Lacke hut (private), I once again tried a footpath. This one ended pretty soon, I turned right, and lost my map as I discovered at the Schwarze Lacke hut. Going back 10 minutes, I happily found it again. The map was wet, but still usable.

Reaching Ladizalpe (1573m) on the MTB route; the way on the right of the Johannesbach and Ladizgraben is probably shorter. At Ladizalpe I had lunch and decided to wait for better weather conditions. Cows on the alpe.

img_7306 Ladizalpe img_7307.jpg img_7313 Falkenhütte

img_7318 Teufelskopf Hohljoch Well maintained walking path to Falkenhütte (1848m). Sun was shining for the first time toway. Enjoyed it and the wonderful scenery: The hut is located 80 meters above the Spielissjoch on a grassy saddle between Lalidererspitze in the S and the Falken ridge to the N; to the NE you can also see Teufelskopf, Gumpenspitze, Gamzjoch (2452m), and more; western parts with the Birkkarspitze were hidden in clouds–I'm not sure whether that's actually visible.

img_7339 Teufelskopf Gumpenspitze Because the weather was too bad, I canceled the plan to go up to the grassy Mahnkopf (2094m, approx. 1h from the hut) to watch the sunset. Maybe, I can do it later the year; this would be a nice tour: With the bus to the beginning of the Laliderertal and route 232 to the Falken hut (approx. 3h), from the hut to Steinfalk (2347m, I, also called Steinspitze or Südl. Falk) and in the evening over the Mahnkopf.

Lager unter dem Dach durchaus großzügig, today approx. 25-30 guests. You can reach the hut comfortably out of three valleys: Johannes-, Laliderer-, and Engtal.

[→ 2009-06-27]


Mindelheimer Klettersteig and Hammerspitze (D) (I)

Mindelheimer Klettersteig and Hammerspitze (D)

2009-06-13: [Nürnberg - Hirschegg (1122m) -] Wildental – Kemptner Scharte – Kemptner Kopf – Mindelheimer Klettersteig – Fiderescharte – Fiderepass Hut (Fiderepasshütte)

[Alle bilder bei flickr].


2009-06-14: Fiderepass Hut (Fiderepasshütte) - Hammerspitze (D) – Hochgehrenspitze – Schüsser (D) – Kanzelwand - Obere Bierenwangalpe – Fellhornbahn (Talstation) [– Oberstdorf – Nürnberg]
